✅ Aginst Pigeon Infestation
✅ Bird Repellent
✅ Effective Solution against Pigeon and birds
✅ Safe and does not harm the birds
✅ A long-term and reliable solution
✅ Item Volume: 310ml
✅ Made in Germany
Shipping Door to Door
✅ No More Pigeon - Guaranteed Solution- Made in Germany
Is your building contaminated or threatened by a pigeon infestation?
✅ RoyalK onIy give you Effectively discourages pigeons and other birds from dwelling!
✅ Pigeons avoid surfaces treated with RoyalK - they either fly away from these areas immediately or they simply stop
coming anywhere near them.
✅ Thanks to their flock mentality these areas remain ‘pigeon-free’ long term.
✅ RoyalK is transparent, barely visible, and does not affect the appearance of buildings.
✅ This product does not harm the birds. Instead, the consistency of the gel creates an uncomfortable surface that the
birds find unfavorable, preventing them from roosting in unwanted areas.
✅ Pigeon Droppings are Unsightly, They Pose a Health Risk & They Damage Buildings!
Suitable Applications:
✅ Pergola and railings
✅ Window ledges
✅ Lighting
✅ Balconies
✅ Roofs and chimneys
✅ Gutters and drainpipes
✅ Eaves and wall projections
✅ Photovoltaic plants
✅ Lightning protection systems
✅ Unbeatable, RoyalK offers you a professional, simple, and permanent solution.
Old Solution: Previous defense systems such as wires and sound devices, which made buildings, warehouses, and storefronts unsightly, now belong to the past – as does the risk of injury for humans and animals that these systems posed..
New Solution: RoyalK is unbeatably simple and effective. Once applied, RoyalK is a long-term, reliable solution (internally and externally). RoyalK can be applied without any previous knowledge, is safe to use, and works immediately. And RoyalK is considerably more affordable than previous defense systems.
Simple Application and Easy to Use
No drills, no screws, no glue. RoyalK cartridges can be used with commercial dispensers. Clean the surface you want to treat and clear away any loose dirt. The area must be dry and free of both grease and dust. RoyalK is best applied in strips of Ø 8mm, depending on the type of bird. The first strip should be applied no further than 2-3cm away from the front edge of the surface and the spacing between the strips should be no more than 4-5 cm. For draining surfaces you must provide sufficient gaps between the strips or apply the strips diagonally to allow water to drain away. Depending on the strips –Ø, one cartridge is sufficient up to a maximum length of 6-7m. Advantages of RoyalK
Unbeatable, Simple, and Effective!
✅ Suitable for any surface
✅ Effective immediately
✅ Inconspicuous, barely visible
✅ Adheres to all surfaces
✅ Resistant to water, frost, dust, and UV light, 60 degrees heat
✅ Permanent and reliable
✅ Product shelf life 12 months
✅ Safe for humans and animals
✅ More affordable than previous defense systems